
Are you the Lineage changer? Making friends in your 30’s + Navigating Unique challenges of our generation

Kacia Ghetmiri

In this episode, I’m giving you a little life update and we’re talking about the unique challenges of being a lineage changer but also why it matters so freaking much, building depth of connection in female friendships, especially in your 30s, and navigating social situations to really get what you’re craving. I think you’re going to love this update and really resonate with a lot about what we’re talking about today! Can’t wait to hear what you think! 

As mentioned in today’s episode: 

If you’re looking to work with me 1 on 1 — I’m going to do some IN PERSON VIP Days in 202 helping you with your BIG VISION, pouring fuel on your fire as well as tactics for your business, podcast, building community, mapping out your offer suite and OF COURSE helping support the mindset blocks you’re running into. If you’re interested in chatting more on if this could be a good fit DM me the word “VIP” on Instagram or text me at (512) 548-2728 so we can chat more. 

Ways to connect outside of the podcast: 

Join our empowerHER text community! Text “START” to 512-548-2728 for FREE daily inspo, juicy news, and fun perks sent straight to your phone!

Connect with me on Instagram: @kacia.ghetmiri | @empowerher.podcast

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