"EmpowerHER" is all about cutting through the BS fluff to have honest, and entertaining, real talk conversations about life, business, motherhood and relationships. We're all about pulling back the curtain in a very, "Come with me let's figure out LIFE together" type of way so you can take ALIGNED action to build a life you really freaking love.
THE QUESTION MARK SEASON; getting comfortable not knowing
In this episode, we’re talking about the challenges of the 'question mark season’ as in those seasons of life where you don’t know what’s next, things feel like they are taking longer than they “should” or you are really just navigating a lot of uncertainty. As ambitious women, we can often struggle with this so we’re breaking down some tactical ways you can get more clarity or even just comfort IN that discomfort! I think you’re going to love this one!
Special thank you to our sponsor of today’s podcast: CLEARSTEM!
Cuz GIRLFRIEND….are you looking for a new SKINCARE line that’s ACTUALLY non-toxic with no hormone disruptors or CRAP in it? ORRRR LUXURY HAIR products that don’t have crap in it?!
If so, you’ve got to check out my FAVORITE anti-acne, anti-aging line CLEARSTEM! They have no hormone disrupters or TOXINS and honestly…. Their products have been game changer in my life for the last 5+ years I’ve been using them!
They also JUST came out with a LUXURY hair care line that is anti-acne, no pore cloggers but also still will leave your hair feeling all sorts of AMAZING!!
Tap this link: https://glnk.io/rqop/kacia to check them out & use code “KACIA” for a sweet discount!
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